Based on a true story, Voicemail follows a young woman who attempts to outrun a call she never returned.
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BronxNet Television - THIS EVENT HAS PASSED
Hispanic-Latinx Heritage - This event has passed
Moving Parts film Festival - This event has passed
Ocktober film Festival - This event has passed
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Cast & Crew

Dominique Nieves - Writer, Director, Producer
Dominique is a Nuyorican filmmaker and founder of Iron Glove Productions. She aims to empower underrepresented voices through storytelling.
Nieves is an NBC Writer’s on the Verge Semi-Finalist, and the recipient of a Voices With Impact Grant, providing her the funds to create a short film about the mental health effects of sexual violence. The film won an invitation into the Olive Film Collection. Her other films have garnered awards and festival selections including official selection to HBO’s New York Latino Film Festival for, ‘A Nice Guy’, Screenplay Official Selection to Holly Shorts Film Festival for, ’21 Candles’, and Best Social Justice Film from Oniros Film Awards for, 'RACCA'. Nieves is an alumna of Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania.

Anna Noble - Nicole
Anna Noble is a freelance performer, choreographer and movement director. Her background in acting, dance, singing and more makes her dynamic and versatile in her performances onstage and on camera. Recent credits include Diaspora Songs at Carnegie Hall, The Flamingo Kid at the Hartford Stage, FOSSE/VERDON on FX and Carousel on Broadway.

Doug Yablun - Colorist
Doug first got into filmmaking through shooting/editing skate videos with his friends in high school. After graduating from the University of Florida (go gators!) he moved to LA to pursue film editing and color grading. He mostly works as an assistant colorist at Company 3 and an editor at Smosh.